Dear CHN partners and colleagues,


Thanks for signing up for our working email groups for state partners and staff working in advocacy organizations. Please note that this email sign-up is not for the public, grassroots activists, and individuals (that sign up would be on our website-, clicking on the Subscribe button on the top right).


CHN has two working email lists that you can join: main email list, after combining the SAVE for ALL and COVID-19 Policy email groups. This email group will send out meeting notices for CHN’s Wednesday Advocates Meeting (WAM). This list is especially for organizations and state partners not based in the DC area, but those in DC are welcome too. This email group will also send out meeting notices for the Federal Connection call: a twice-monthly Zoom meeting and listserv providing timely information about activity in Congress and the Biden Administration of importance to people with low incomes.


Both of these email groups are meant to be used two-way. Members of the groups are welcome to send action alerts, new studies/ reports/ findings to the group as rapid responses.

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