CHN: House Agriculture Appropriations Bill Approved in Full Committee

The full House Appropriations Committee approved the annual appropriations bill for U.S. Department of Agriculture programs on May 9.  The appropriations bill is largely similar to the version adopted by the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee on May 3.  It continues to include funding for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, the food packages for poor seniors, children, and pregnant women that were slated for elimination in the President’s budget proposal. The bill was originally expected to be the first appropriations bill come to the floor during the week of May 15, but now will be preceded by the 2007 Interior-Environment appropriations bill (HR 5386), scheduled for a vote on Thursday, May 18.  That may push the Agriculture appropriations bill to the floor the following week.  For more details, see HNR’s May 5 issue.

Food and Nutrition