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Head Smacker: House Gives Millions of Dollars More to Wealthiest 5,000 Families
April 17, 2015

Yesterday, the House voted (270-179) to give millions of dollars more to heirs of the wealthiest estates in America and to add the $269 billion cost of doing so to our growing deficit, all while continuing to claim they care about poverty reduction, inequality, and reducing our debt. By repealing...

Your voice is needed: Sign by April 15 to tell Congress to #StopTheCuts
April 13, 2015

Sign to tell Congress to vote for investments, not wasteful spending. The Senate and House are making critical budget decisions that will deeply affect all Americans in 2016. All members of Congress need to hear from constituents before April 15 that cuts to programs that help Americans are not acceptable....

Care about inequality?
April 10, 2015

Do you think a tax change that would provide $269 billion to estates of millionaires and billionaires over the next decade would worsen or lessen inequality? Next week, the House of Representatives will vote on a bill (H.R. 1105) to repeal the estate tax, to give $269 billion to the...

Proposed budget cuts would be devastating, but it’s not too late
April 10, 2015

See below for a re-cap of the #StopTheCuts tweetchat and learn more about what must (and can!) be done. Then take action! There are deep, devastating cuts to critical programs that help children and families proposed in both the Senate and House budget resolutions that were recently passed. CHN, the...

How Low Wages Hurt Families and Perpetuate Poverty
April 9, 2015

This post was originally published on Oxfam America’s blog, The Politics of Poverty, on April 7. Low wages for workers today are likely to predict low wages for those same workers tomorrow (and for many years after), as a new survey of research for Oxfam America by Shawn Fremstad, a Senior Fellow...

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