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Fact of the Week: The Most Effective Anti-Poverty Programs for Children
October 22, 2014

Children remain the age group most disproportionately poor in our country – roughly one out of five children in the U.S. is poor – and the statistics are far worse for children of color and children in cities, where the numbers are closer to one out of three. We know...

The Intersection of Poverty and Domestic Violence
October 16, 2014

We know that poverty disproportionately affects women and single moms. In 2013, nearly 16 percent of women and nearly 40 percent of families with children headed by a woman lived in poverty, higher than their male counterparts. We know that women who are poor are more likely to suffer from health...

Fact of the Week: Millions of People are Lifted Out of Poverty by Programs Like Social Security, Low-income Tax Credits, and SNAP/Food Stamps
October 16, 2014

More than 48 million people were poor in the U.S. in 2013. But if Social Security did not exist, more than 75 million people would have been poor. Most of us have elderly parents or other relatives for whom Social Security is an absolutely essential part of their monthly budget....

Head Smacker: Voter ID Laws Further Silence Those Whose Voices Need to Be Heard the Most
October 15, 2014

“There is only one motivation for imposing burdens on voting that are ostensibly designed to discourage voter-impersonation fraud, if there is not actual danger of such fraud, and that is to discourage voting by persons likely to vote against the party responsible for imposing the burden.” – 7th Circuit Court...

Poverty in the 50 Biggest U.S. Cities
October 10, 2014

As we noted in our Head Smacker last week, poverty is rampant in cities across America. And poverty among children in cities is even higher. We did a little more digging on this subject and, using recently-released Census Bureau data for 2013, put together a table showing poverty in the...

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