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Struggling to Eat in the Dog Days of Summer
August 11, 2014

For most kids, summer vacation means it’s time to relax, play outside, head to camp, and enjoy the sunshine. But for children who receive free or reduced-price meals through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, the end of school takes on a different meaning. It could mean being hungry and...

Bridges to Economic Opportunity: Why We Need Transportation Equity
August 8, 2014

We’ve talked on this blog about minimum wage, paid leave, and other human needs programs that affect low-income workers and people with disabilities. One area we haven’t talked about yet that also impacts the ability of these populations to get good jobs and improve their situations is transportation. Let’s change...

Head Smacker: Minimum Wage Workers Forced to Rely on Public Subsidies While Their Employers Make Billions
August 6, 2014

Last Thursday, a group of minimum wage earners and supporters gathered on the steps of the Capitol to urge Members of Congress to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10. Many at the rally brought spare pairs of shoes with them as a symbol of their challenge to Congress to...

Fact of the Week: More U.S. Cities Have Made it Illegal to Be Homeless
August 5, 2014

A report by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty released in July shows a disturbing trend in cities across America – the passage of laws that, in effect, make it illegal to be homeless. And the number of cities that are criminalizing many of the activities that homeless...

Head Smacker: Professor Epstein Wants People to be Able to Take Jobs at 2 Cents an Hour
July 31, 2014

There is a growing support for raising the minimum wage. In fact, 22 states and the District of Columbia have already enacted increases above the federal $7.25 per hour. But that view is not shared by Richard Epstein, professor of law at NYU. He was on the PBS NewsHour on...

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