Announcing: The CHN Human Needs Heroes of the Year
On Tuesday, July 19, the Coalition on Human Needs will host our Human Needs Hero reception. This is our only fundraiser of the year and your support enables CHN to provide resources such as the Voices for Human Needs blog you are reading right now.
Voices for Human Needs features timely posts about what’s going on in Congress; stories about what happens when we don’t invest in our country’s most important resource – our people; new research and reports that affect the anti-poverty community; and features such as the Fact of the Week and the Head Smacker to provide compelling arguments to bring to current policy debates. We also publish Our Resources from Around the Coalition which highlight and spread the word about the great education pieces put out by CHN members. And by cross-posting pieces from authors outside of CHN, we bring you a variety of voices and opportunities to engage.
This year CHN is pleased and proud to be honoring Ruth Flower and Wade Henderson as our Human Needs Heroes. Ruth Flower is the former national advocate for the Friends Committee on National Legislation. During her time at FCNL, Ruth has led coalition lobbying efforts addressing a wide range of issues, including welfare reform, health care, religious freedom, affordable housing, federal budget priorities, civil liberties, the death penalty, immigration, campaign finance reform, Native American concerns, and the challenge of poverty in the U.S. Wade Henderson is the President and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Since taking the helm of The Leadership Conference in June 1996, Wade has worked diligently to address emerging policy issues of concern to the civil and human rights community and to strengthen the effectiveness of the coalition. Under his stewardship, The Leadership Conference has become one of the nation’s most effective advocates for civil and human rights. Both have been active and most valued partners of the Coalition on Human Needs, strengthening our work together.
The annual gala event will be held at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 19th, at the AFL-CIO building, 815 16th Street NW in Washington, D.C. We invite you to come join us in celebrating the amazing work of both of these progressive leaders. By honoring Ruth Flower and Wade Henderson, we continue our tradition of bringing our community together in celebrating our field’s new and experienced advocates. Whether or not you can attend the event we hope you will consider becoming a sponsor of the reception. Sponsorship for CHN’s sole fundraising event each year honors true Human Needs Heroes and helps us to carry out our work promoting economic opportunity and security for all.
Sponsors will be listed in invitations and the event’s program, and will have ad space in the program. Sponsorship will also allow you to bring a number of guests from your organization – we hope you will extend the invitation to attend to your interns and/or newer staff. Please let us know whether you or your organization can sponsor by Monday, July 11th. And if you can’t sponsor, please consider putting a couple of lines in the program to celebrate our honorees. To sponsor or for more information, please contact Joseph Battistelli at jbattistelli@chn.org, or just print and fill out this form: CHN Event Flier. All donations will go to support the Coalition on Human Needs. Tickets and sponsorship may be paid for with our online payment form.
Not in the DC area or just can’t make the event? You can still become a sponsor or make a donation and get lines in the program to honor the work of the Ruth Flower and Wade Henderson.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and seeing you on July 19th!