CHN Applauds Boycott of Price Confirmation Vote
Earlier today, Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee boycotted the votes to approve the confirmations of Rep. Tom Price for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and of Steve Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary. CHN opposes Rep. Price’s nomination and applauds the Senators for taking this action, which effectively delayed the votes on these two nominees, and we released the statement below. We encourage advocates to send one or more of the following sample tweets (or draft your own) to Senators on the committee. You can find their Twitter handles here.
Sample Tweets
- .@SenateFinance Cmte Dems, TY for boycotting #Price vote & saying no to a nominee that would threaten healthcare as we know it #PriceIsWrong
- @{Insert Democrat} Thank you for delaying the #Price confirmation – he’s not fit for the job #PriceIsWrong
- .@GOPSenFinance Cmte Republicans, please make sure that #Price meets the criteria to be head of @HHSgov before you vote. #PriceIsWrong
- @{Insert Republican} Please continue to question #Price so that a qualified candidate is picked for @HHSgov secretary #PriceIsWrong
For more information from CHN and our member organizations on several of President Trump’s cabinet picks, see our Trump Administration page.
Human Needs Advocates Thank Senator Wyden and His Colleagues for
Slowing Down Price Confirmation Vote
Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, praised the actions of Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR) and his colleagues in boycotting the session at which the Finance Committee was to have voted to approve the confirmation of Rep. Tom Price for Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Committee members also held up the vote for Steve Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary.
“The public interest is served by slowing down Tom Price’s confirmation,” said Weinstein. “Many questions remain unanswered about Mr. Price’s willingness to make services for low-income and vulnerable children, families, seniors, people with disabilities and people needing medical care his top priority. Mr. Price would administer the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Was he part of the chaotic and mean-spirited Executive Order that with no warning barred approved refugees from entering this country? He will presumably play a lead role in efforts to repeal existing health insurance coverage. Will he be able or inclined to protect people through a smooth transition, or does he agree with President Trump’s executive orders that sow confusion and uncertainty? Was he aware of stopping already-paid for ads to inform the public of the last days of open enrollment for health insurance?
“There are troubling indications that Rep. Price would act to deny services to millions of people in need,” said Weinstein. “His health care proposals would provide less help to low- and moderate-income people, leaving adequate coverage out of reach. His past budget proposals would slash funding for a wide range of vital services, including Medicaid and children’s services. His stock dealings appeared to put his own interests ahead of the public’s.
“We congratulate Ranking Member Wyden and other Senate Finance Committee members for boycotting the Committee session. They and we deserve reassurances not yet received about whether vulnerable people will be protected or harmed if Rep. Price is confirmed.”