CHN reaffirms opposition to confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh
Editor’s note: Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, issued the following statement Friday, Oct. 5 in opposition to the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court:
“On September 7, the Coalition on Human Needs joined with 75 organizations in a letter urging senators to oppose confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court because of ample evidence in his record of an ideological stance that would cause him to rule against the interests of low-income people. His opinions and statements seek to limit the Affordable Care Act and would reduce protections for workers, voters, consumers, and people with disabilities, all of which would inflict outsized harm on poor and near-poor people. The letter characterized his record as ‘Further Stacking the Deck Against the Disadvantaged.’ It is a sad fact that poor people already have the deck stacked against them in their relationships with employers, landlords and lenders. In a democracy, people without means need the courts to ensure protections against unfair treatment. Judge Kavanaugh’s record shows repeated opinions siding with entrenched financial or governmental power against those who lack such clout.
“In the weeks since sending that letter, additional information about Judge Kavanaugh’s character and ideology have only confirmed our opposition. We are deeply troubled that he lied under oath about the extent of his drinking and about other actions from his college years. Actions in high school or college may or may not be disqualifying, but current lies about those actions must be. His partisan tone in the most recent Judiciary Committee hearing is also a serious warning to us that cases coming before him may not be impartially decided. His contempt towards members of the Committee, characterization of the inquiry as an “orchestrated political hit” and assertions of “what goes around comes around” are unprecedented expressions of intemperate partisanship that should be unacceptable.
“The nation needs a Supreme Court justice who will follow the facts with special care to uncover and guard against the ways vulnerable people with little recourse to power can be ignored and victimized. Judge Kavanaugh’s record before this week did not demonstrate that commitment. His recent statements, under oath, are further evidence that he cannot be entrusted with that critical responsibility. We continue to urge the Senate to reject his nomination.”