Finish this Sentence: Inequality Is…
Income. Housing. Education. Racial justice. These are just a few of the areas where inequality is evident in our society. But what does inequality mean to you? That’s the question the Ford Foundation is exploring with their new series of videos and conversations about inequality in all its forms called #InequalityIs.
Leaders in business, entertainment and social justice including Elton John, Gloria Steinem, Jose Antonio Vargas and others weigh in via these videos on how they see inequality and what they’re doing to change it. You’ll hear Paul Polman, the CEO of Unilever, say that “Inequality undermines the fabric of society.” You’ll hear Rajiv Joshi, managing director of the B Team, say that the fact that 99% of the world’s people have less wealth combined than 1% of world’s people is “an injustice that needs to be resolved.” You’ll hear Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, talk about how mass incarceration has been “particularly devastating on the poor and people of color.” You’ll hear Ai-jen Poo, co-director of Caring across Generations, discuss how the she sees “the experience of caregivers in this country as emblematic of inequality today.”
But beyond just listening to what these people think about inequality, you’re invited to join the conversation and share what inequality means to you. How would you finish the sentence “Inequality is…”? Share your thoughts in the comments section below and use the hashtag #InequalityIs on Twitter.
If you read our latest Human Needs Report, you know that the federal budget season is upon us once again. As we prepare to delve through the different budget proposals released by the Obama Administration, the House and Senate Budget Committees, the House Democrats, the Progressive Caucus, and the Congressional Black Caucus, you can be sure we’ll be doing so through the lens of inequality – and what policies would lessen or deepen it.