Gas prices are way too high. Here’s what we can do about it


June 18, 2018

Editor’s note: This piece was originally published by CNN on June 15.

Americans now pay around $2.87 for a gallon of gas. That’s 46 cents more than last year’s average. And if trends continue, by August, the cost of gasoline may go up another five cents.

As a result, the average family will pay about $400 more for gasoline in 2018 than they did last year. That’s enough to erase the entire benefit of this year’s tax cut for low-income families.
But it could do even more damage — if families cannot afford gas, they cannot drive to work, buy groceries or take their children to school. And if they want to save enough to be able to buy gas, they may do what low-income families are known to do when home energy costs rise — cut back on essentials like food, medicine and clothing.
No American family should be forced to make that choice, so what are the options for relief?
To read the rest of this article, click here.
Gas prices
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)