Head Smacker: The State of the Union edition


January 31, 2018

There were so many Head Smackers in President Trump’s State of the Union address last night that it nearly left many of us at CHN with concussions. Thankfully, CHN’s members were quick to react and get the facts out there. Below is a recap of just a few of the tweets our friends put out to set the record straight on some of the areas President Trump talked about.

On tax cuts:
President Trump said, “Our massive tax cuts provide tremendous relief for the middle class and small business, to lower tax rates for hard-working Americans.”

Americans for Tax Fairness responded, citing a report from the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy:

On Immigration:

President Trump said, “In recent months, my administration has met extensively with both Democrats and Republicans to craft a bipartisan approach to immigration reform. Based on these discussions, we presented Congress with a detailed proposal that should be supported by both parties…”

The National Immigration Law Center reminded us:

Also on immigration, President Trump said, “That means building a great wall on the southern border…”

National Priorities Project reminded us of what else we could do with just some of that money:

Friends Committee on National Legislation also chimed in when President Trump called for “ending chain migration”:

On Job Training:

President Trump said, “As tax cuts create new jobs, let’s invest in workforce development and let’s invest in job training, which we need so badly. Let’s open great vocational schools, so our future workers can learn a craft and realize their full potential.”

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, along with one of their senior advisors Jacob Leibenluft, responded to that with these tweets:

On Health Care and the Opioid Epidemic:

President Trump said, “My administration is committed to fighting the drug epidemic and helping get treatment for those in need.”

The Center for American Progress, the Shriver Center, and FamiliesUSA begged to differ:

We could go on and on. Let us know which head smackers jumped out at you last night in the comments section below.

To get the real facts instead of another headache, follow all of CHN’s members on Twitter.

Affordable Care Act
Budget and Appropriations
Head Smacker
Health Care Reform
Job Training and Education
People's Budget
Poverty and Income
State of the Union
tax policy