Help Millions of Workers Get the Overtime Pay They Deserve
Millions of workers across America are working longer hours without getting paid for them, thanks to an outdated regulation. Last month, we highlighted a Department of Labor proposal to fix the overtime rule and ensure that an exemption meant for highly-paid white-collar employees no longer hurts low- and middle-income earners.
The Department of Labor is accepting comments on the proposed rule through September 4, so now’s your chance to help millions of workers get the overtime pay they deserve. Tell the Department of Labor you support extending overtime protections by submitting your comments today.
Currently, salaried workers who earn as little as $23,660 a year can be excluded from receiving overtime pay when working more than 40 hours a week if they spend even a small amount of time on duties classified by their employers as professional, administrative, or executive. This threshold is below the poverty line for a family of four. The proposed rule would raise the salary threshold to $50,440 a year in 2016, and index it for the first time so that it keeps pace with rising costs of living in the future.
The Economic Policy Institute estimates that 13.5 million lower-paid white-collar workers directly benefiting from the increase. Restoring overtime protection will put more pay in the pockets of working people, give a boost to economic growth, turn part-time workers into full-time workers, and allow people who have been working excessive hours to spend more time with their families.
According to Public Policy Polling, 79 percent of Americans support raising the threshold above $23,000 per year. If you’re one of them, let the Department of Labor know by submitting your comments today, and spread the word using #FixOvertime and some of these sample tweets:
- 6.9 million women will directly benefit from an overtime threshold of $50,440. #FixOvertime http://on.epi.org/1TmaTdN
- Raising the overtime threshold to $50,440 will benefit 12.8 million children. #FixOvertime http://on.epi.org/1RQLKlh
- Raising the overtime threshold will give millions of workers more family time. #FixOvertime http://on.epi.org/1RQLKlh
- The Latino community will see huge benefits if we #FixOvertime: http://cap.af/1E3kBej Support #FixOvertime
For more information, visit FixOvertime.org, see what the Golden Girls think about the rule, or check out a report from the National Employment Law Project, “The Case for Reforming Federal Overtime Rules: Stories from America’s Middle Class.”