House Dems and Gun Control: How You Can Help
As we noted in this blog post last night, House Democrats began a “sit-in” yesterday on the House floor, imploring House leaders to vote to end the loopholes that prevent background checks for gun sales at gun shows or online and to allow gun sales to be denied to those on terror watch lists. They called for #NoBillNoBreak to signify that the House shouldn’t go home for its July 4 recess without first acting to end gun violence. The sit-in lasted through the night and included chants and songs, even as House Republicans forced through near-party-line votes on other measures. Around 3:30 this morning, House Speaker Paul Ryan formally adjourned the chamber until July 5. The sit-in lasted until early this afternoon.
You can support House Democrats by calling the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and asking for your representative’s office. And you should! It’s possible, since the House recessed, you’ll get a full voicemail box. If so, call their in-district offices, or wait until July 5 to call again. You should also support them on Twitter with some of the sample tweets below. Include your House member’s’ Twitter handle, which you can find here. (You can also find your two senators’ Twitter handles here.)
Tell your Member of Congress it is time to act on gun control http://bit.ly/28P091X #NoBillNoBreak
It’s time to strengthen gun rules & stop the needless violence. #NoBillNoBreak
Call (202) 224-3121 & tell your mbrs of congress: save lives lost to guns #NoBillNoBreak
Raise your voice: Call (202) 224-3121 & tell your MOC we need action on gun sales now. #NoBillNoBreak
Take action now to close gun loopholes #NoBillNoBreak
It’s time for the @HouseGOP to #DoTheirJob & take action to change gun laws #NoBillNoBreak