Human Needs Hero Reception: July 19, 2016
The Coalition on Human Needs invites you to the
13th Annual Human Needs Hero Reception
Ruth Flower and Wade Henderson
Tuesday, July 19th, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
AFL-CIO, 815 16th St. NW, Washington, DC
Please join us in honoring these amazing progressive leaders:
Ruth Flower:
Former Associate Executive Secretary for Legislative Program at the Friends Committee for National Legislation for ten years, Ruth directed and coordinated the team of lobbyists and managed a lobbying portfolio of domestic issues. During her time at FCNL, Ruth has led coalition lobbying efforts addressing a wide range issues, including welfare reform, health care, religious freedom, affordable housing, federal budget priorities, civil liberties, death penalty, immigration, campaign finance reform, Native American concerns, and the challenge of poverty in the U.S.
Wade Henderson:
Wade is well known for his expertise on a wide range of civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights issues, and is the author of numerous articles on civil rights and public policy issues. Since taking the helm of The Leadership Conference in June 1996, Wade has worked diligently to address emerging policy issues of concern to the civil and human rights community and to strengthen the effectiveness of the coalition. Under his stewardship, The Leadership Conference has become one of the nation’s most effective advocates for civil and human rights.
Join in the celebration and support!
Sponsorship Levels
(Including ad space in the program):
Crusader for Civil Rights $3,000 [inside cover or two-page spread]
Advocate for Justice $1,500 [full page- 7.5” vertical x 4.5” horizontal]
Peace Promoter $1,000 [half page- 3.7” vertical x 4.5” horizontal]
Equality Endorser $500 [quarter page- 3.7” vertical x 2.25” horizontal]
Individual ticket plus two lines in the program: $100
Two lines in the program for those unable to attend: $75
Individual ticket: $60
Interns, Fellows: $25
Sponsors may bring guests:
Crusader for Civil Rights and Advocate for Justice may receive 20 tickets; Peace Promoter: 10 tickets; Equality Endorser: 5 tickets. Because this event is a great opportunity to bring the human needs community together, we encourage sponsors to bring interns and new staff as well as experienced advocates who have shared much of CHN’s history.
Purchase tickets or become a sponsor today!
Questions? Contact Joseph Battistelli at jbattistelli@chn.org or 202-223-2532 ext. 117.