Human Needs Report: What’s in the Omnibus, Tax Credits Made Permanent, the ACA, and Other Items Congress Did and Didn’t Do Before Heading Home
CHN just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report, our regular newsletter on national policy issues affecting low-income and vulnerable populations. This edition includes articles on the omnibus spending package, low-income tax credits, the Affordable Care Act and other items Congress did – and didn’t do – before heading home for the holiday recess. See below for the full analysis and links to each section of the report.
Click here for the full PDF Human Needs Report: http://www.chn.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/December-21-2015.pdf
FY16 Omnibus Appropriations Bill Signed Into Law; Important Gains for Low-Income People Included, but Areas of Concern Remain
Congress wrapped up the FY16 appropriations season on Friday when the Senate passed (65-33) massive legislation that combined the FY16 omnibus spending bill passed by the House (316-113) earlier that day and a large tax cut package the House passed on Thursday. READ MORE »
Improvements to Working Family Tax Credits Made Permanent in Tax Cut Package
In a huge win for advocates, key provisions of tax credits for low-income working families were made permanent in a tax package that passed the House on Thursday and the Senate on Friday. READ MORE »
Senate Passes Repeal of Affordable Care Act; President Vows to Veto Measure
While the House has voted dozens of times to repeal all or part of the ACA, this is the first time a bill to do so cleared the Senate. The bill would repeal the law’s penalties for individuals who don’t obtain health coverage and for employers who don’t offer it. READ MORE »
Other Items Congress Did – and Didn’t Do – Before Heading Home
Before heading home for its holiday recess, Congress took care of a few other pieces of business. Unfortunately, they also left others to be dealt with next year. READ MORE »
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PS –
Be sure sure to join us December 22, 2015, from 4pm-5pm ET, for a special webinar with authors Kathryn Edin and Luke Shaefer, whose book $2 a Day – Living on Almost Nothing in America describes in depth the lives of families living in extreme poverty in America. They will be joined by a panel of experts: people who have lived in such deep poverty. At a time when some are intent on feeding divisiveness and hatred, please join us in this call to conscience. Register and learn more here.
PPS – In the coming year, political figures will make claims about what can help people in poverty. Your support will help us get the facts out about what works – what doesn’t – and help more advocates to join in a powerful choir of voices for economic security and justice. Details on donating to CHN can be found here. Thank you for considering a contribution to the Coalition on Human Needs – please help us to do this important work together.