January 31, 2025 is National Energy Assistance Day.
January 31, 2025 is National Energy Assistance Day. The National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA) has designated January 31 as National Energy Assistance Day to help get the word out to low-income families that energy assistance funds are available to help them pay their home energy bills.

Why is National Energy Assistance Day important? NEADA estimates that households will spend on average 8.7 percent more on home heating this year. Survey after survey has reported that when families cannot afford their energy bills, they borrow from payday lenders, go without food and medicine, fall behind on their bills, and risk being shut-off from power.
States have funding available: Despite the chaos caused this week by Administrative actions threatening to freeze assistance programs, states have received funding from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and are working to help low-income individuals and families pay their utility bills. However, many eligible low and moderate-income families do not realize they are eligible for assistance, and elevating the availability of assistance through National Energy Assistance Day would help reach more of those in need.
Sign-up is easy: There are more than 1,000 locations to sign up for assistance across the country. Go to energyhelp.us to find your local sign-up location. Eligibility varies by state.