New Census Data Confirms Too Many Are Still Stuck in Poverty
With the Census Bureau’s release of 2013 income, poverty, and health insurance coverage data this morning, and it’s been a flurry of activity at CHN and in the wider human needs arena all day. CHN’s Deborah Weinstein released a statement noting that, while poverty did decline from 2012 to 2013, the route out of poverty remains blocked for more than 45 million people. CHN also issued our First Look table, showing that too many are still left behind. We’ve put all of these and many more resources on a special 2013 Census and Poverty Data page on our website.
Our friends are also hard at work, analyzing the data and putting it into language and charts that are useful for advocates. The Economic Policy Institute has an interesting post (and as usual, a helpful interactive figure) showing the rise in family income inequality over the last 60-plus years. Robert Greenstein, President of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, also noted that inequality remained at or near record levels in 2013, but pointed to the welcome decline in poverty among children from 2012 to 2013 (although child poverty rate remains well above its 2000 and 2007 levels).
Additional information and statements by CHN and others will be coming soon, especially once the Census Bureau releases the American Community Survey data (which contains more state and local data) this Thursday. So stay tuned, and check out our 2013 Census and Poverty Data resource page frequently for more information.