ScamCare: Trump the Destroyer Swings His Truncheon at People’s Health Care
First we heard that the Trump Administration would allow for new forms of insurance that would evade the minimum standards that protect people with pre-existing conditions and provide decent coverage. Now they announce they will no longer pay insurance companies the funds to support coverage of more expensive care. These are two reckless and destructive acts that if left unchecked will harm millions of people. Every means available to people in our challenged democracy must be undertaken to stop the destruction: litigation, petitioning our elected officials, and demonstrating lawful resistance.
The threatened ScamCare is to health coverage what Trump University is to higher education. Both make promises they will not deliver. Both are all about promotion and mostly empty of substance. Both separate people from their money, but here the analogy ends. ScamCare will deny people medical treatments they need.
When the people rose up to prevent the repeal of the Affordable Care Act in Congress, they succeeded because it was clear that no responsible plan was advanced to improve on the current system. Now Trump the Destroyer makes no pretense of a responsible plan. He will break what he can.
Powerful voices are already being raised against the destruction, from state governments, health care providers and policy experts, and the health insurance industry. And we have no doubt that people nationwide will be heard once again, knowing that the fight to protect their health care must continue. The members of the Coalition on Human Needs will be part of that fight.
Congress still has the power to prevent people from losing health coverage. Senators Alexander and Murray have been working on a plan that would continue the Cost Sharing Reduction subsidies the Administration will halt. They are both responsible and effective lawmakers who have negotiated successful outcomes in the past. Their work is urgently needed now, as is the support of their colleagues. We call on Congress to stop the tearing down, and to do something constructive.