Sign to tell Congress to invest in America and stop the budget cuts
A few weeks ago we took to Twitter to rally and tell Congress to #StopTheCuts. With your help we raised our voices and even got #StopTheCuts trending in DC. We’re still working hard to show Congress that people across the country want economic security for all of us, not just breaks for the well-heeled and well-connected. In addition to a group letter for organizations, CHN has created a petition for individuals and a Thunderclap to continue our #StopTheCuts message. We need you to sign and tell Congress to invest in programs that work for all Americans.
The United States is the richest nation on earth. But for a very large number of Americans, dangerous economic insecurity is a growing fact of life. Poverty remains stubbornly high and income inequality is growing. More than 45 million Americans live in poverty and one in five children is poor.
America needs a federal budget that promotes shared prosperity and helps people escape poverty.
The House and Senate will be developing budgets for next year starting in March. Some key Congressional leaders have been calling for the wrong choices: more tax breaks for corporations and the rich and more funding for the Pentagon, along with less funding for needed investments.
Help us send Congress a strong, united message that we oppose these upside-down priorities.
Please take one minute to raise your voice for the hard-working individuals and families being ignored by Congress by signing the petition here and above.
What you can do:
1. Sign the petition.
2. Share on Facebook and Twitter and participate in the Thunderclap, too.
3. Email 5 friends and family members why you are signing and ask them to share, too.
4. Keep up the drumbeat on Twitter and Facebook with #StopTheCuts and the link to the petition. Don’t forget to tag your Rep and Senator! (Sample tweets, Thunderclap, and graphic below.)
Will you add your name? Click here or sign above.
Sample Tweets:
Sign & tell Congress we need a #FY16 budget that works for all, not just corporations & the wealthy! ow.ly/JJpGB #StopTheCuts
Americans are calling for a federal budget that works for ALL, not just the wealthy few. Will you add your name? ow.ly/JJpGB
Tell Congress to #StopTheCuts in #FY2016! Sign the @MoveOn petition: ow.ly/JJpGB #TalkPoverty #EndPovertyNow @CoalitiononHN
45.3 mil Americans live in #poverty. Sign to tell Congress #CutsHurt America and our economy → ow.ly/JJpGB #StopTheCuts
Dear Congress: We need more investments, not less, in programs that keep people out of #poverty → ow.ly/JJpGB #StopTheCuts