The State of Poverty in Your State – Part 2
The Coalition on Human Needs released a national report, Economic Growth Leaves the Poorest Americans Behind, on September 21 based on newly released poverty data from the US Census Bureau. Following the national report, CHN has been collaborating with organizations in nearly 20 states across the country to write and release state reports highlighting poverty in these target areas. Many states are continuing to release their reports throughout October. You can see some of the work already done across the country here, with more action listed below.
Just Harvest recently released a Pennsylvania report, alongside a press release highlighting a sample of the report’s findings. They also shared their report on Facebook and participated in CHN’s Twitterstorm by calling on Pennsylvania’s Congressional delegation to #StopTheCuts.
#StopTheCuts or push PA backwards? @SenToomey & Congress have a choice to make https://t.co/BNNvgWeHTf #TalkPoverty pic.twitter.com/r4Di7JJWhV
— Just Harvest (@JustHarvest) October 21, 2015
A VOICE for the Reduction of Poverty promoted their report with a press release, as well as created a graphic to highlight poverty in select communities in Tennessee.
Our friends at the Washington State Community Action Partnership released their report at their annual association meeting earlier this month.
The Nevada Institute for Children’s Research and Policy co-released a report with the Food Bank of Northern Nevada and highlighted the report through Facebook.
Arkansas Community Organizations
also recently released their report.
All of our state partners will also be sharing their reports with their members of Congress to encourage them to stop sequestration cuts and invest in programs that we know help to reduce poverty.
You can help spread the word by sharing these reports on social media, and particularly by Tweeting the reports to your members of Congress. For a full list of state reports, social media toolkits, and Congressional Twitter handles, you can visit our website here. For more information, resources, and analysis, visit our 2014 Census and Poverty Data resources page. A few more states will be releasing their reports in the near future, so tuned to see all the great work they are doing.