Watch CHN’s Executive Director Testify on the Budget
UPDATE: While the hearing has passed, you can watch the archived webcast of the hearing and read Deborah’s written testimony submitted to the committee.
We know action needs to be taken on the federal budget, and we have several ideas on just what that action should look like. On Wednesday, October 21, members of the Senate Budget Committee will hear these ideas firsthand when CHN’s Executive Director Deborah Weinstein testifies at their hearing on “Reforming the Federal Budget Process: The Need for Action.”
You can participate by:
- Watching the live stream of the hearing at 10:30am on Wednesday, Oct. 21.
- Tweeting. Here are a few sample tweets:
- .@BudgetGOP @SenatorEnzi @Djheakin @pgpfoundation Please support a #budget that invests in shared prosperity, ends harmful cuts #StopTheCuts
- Tune in 10/21,10:30am to hear @CoalitiononHN’s @debbieweinstein speak w/ @Djheakin @pgpfoundation on #budget reform http://ow.ly/TDl7P
After the hearing, don’t forget to join the #StopTheCuts twitterstorm Wednesday from 1-2pm ET.
CHN has national and state poverty data social media toolkits that include Twitter handles for lawmakers. We encourage all to push out their messaging, resources, and graphics with the hashtag #StopTheCuts during the twitterstorm.
Spread the word by sharing CHN’s post on Facebook and Twitter and using the below sample tweets:
- Join the #StopTheCuts twitterstorm 10/21 1pmET! Tell #Congress raise the debt ceiling + invest in human needs http://bit.ly/1Pe5i6c
- Join us & @CoalitiononHN for a #StopTheCuts twitterstorm on 10/21@1pm ET! Sample tweets and graphics here: http://ow.ly/TDdXM
- 1 in 6 Amer. lives in #poverty. Tell Congress get to work 10/21 1pm ET during #StopTheCuts twitterstorm http://bit.ly/1Pe5i6c