What Works – and What Doesn’t – to Reduce Poverty and Expand Opportunity
UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who watched and attended our event on Thursday, June 16. The recording will be available here shortly. Until then, feel free to check out the many resources we’ve compiled at the bottom of that page.
At CHN, we’re busy getting ready for a big event this Thursday (hopefully you’ve already heard about it from our emails). If you’ve already registered – super! If you haven’t yet registered, we hope you’ll do so now and join us for what’s sure to be an informative and interesting discussion. With great speakers and a top-notch panel (listed below), the event will look at effective and ineffective anti-poverty programs and how the recently-released Ryan poverty plan measures up.
While our room for the event is at capacity, we hope you’ll attend via live stream. All viewers and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, and all registrants will receive links to related reports and analyses. In the days and weeks following the event, we’ll continue the conversation on our blog and via Twitter and Facebook, and we hope you’ll join us then, too. But first, here are the details for this Thursday:
What Works – and What Doesn’t – to Reduce Poverty and Expand Opportunity
: Thursday, June 16th from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Where: Live streamed from the Capitol Visitors Center, Gabe Zimmerman Room, HVC 215
*Special Guests*
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi: Welcoming Remarks
Representative Barbara Lee (invited)
Moderator: Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director – Coalition on Human Needs
Olivia Golden, Executive Director – Center for Law and Social Policy. A conversation with a low-income worker, with follow-up comments.
Melissa Boteach, Vice President – Center for American Progress. Review and analysis of House Republican Task Force poverty plan.
Liz Schott, Senior Fellow – Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): History, Impact, and Implications.
Moderator: Elizabeth Lower-Basch, Director for Income and Work Supports – Center for Law and Social Policy
Jim Weill
, Executive Director – Food Research and Action Center
David Bowers, Vice President and Market Leader, Mid-Atlantic – Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
Sarita Gupta, Executive Director – Jobs With Justice
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