Why Your Story on Nutrition Assistance Matters
A compelling personal story is worth 100 statistics. Personal experiences can help move hearts and minds and create urgency.
That’s why CHN, Center for American Progress, Food Research and Action Center, Feeding America, and Witnesses to Hunger are partnering to launch a campaign to gather and share personal experiences about vital nutrition assistance programs from across the country. To kick off this campaign, we hope you’ll join us for a webinar that will show you everything you need to record or document someone’s story, tell your own, and get important voices heard.
Community Voices: Why Nutrition Assistance Matters
Webinar: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
SNAP, school lunch, summer meals and other nutrition assistance programs are all essential to ensuring millions of low-income families can get the nutrition they need when they fall on hard times. Yet these programs and the people they serve are not always well understood by both the public and elected officials. We have seen proposals to cut or restrict access to nutrition assistance programs arise in Congress and in statehouses across the nation. With Congress due to reauthorize Child Nutrition programs like WIC, school lunch and breakfast, summer meals and afterschool and child care feeding programs, now is the time to build upon success and make additional gains to ensure all of our children have access to the healthy food they need to grow and thrive.
You can help educate policy makers by taking part in our new campaign, “Community Voices: Why Nutrition Assistance Matters.” If you, your neighbors, churchgoers, or clients have been helped by public nutrition programs, get practical tips on how to share your experiences effectively. You are the experts on these programs. Help us educate Congress about how they are really working.
The June 3 webinar will address:
- ♦ Why capturing true experiences is so important.
- ♦ Everything you need to know to participate and take action.
- ♦ Practical tips for interviewing storytellers and sharing your experiences effectively
- ♦ How to obtain and use the Campaign Toolkit.
- ♦ The opportunity to come to Washington, DC to share your stories with media and policy makers.
Together, our voices will help protect and strengthen the critical nutrition programs that we know are vital for families and individuals in America.