CHN: Child Care and Early Childhood Education
Child care providers have struggled during the pandemic as parents lost jobs or had to work at home. Child care experts have estimated that $50 billion would be needed to help providers return to a sustainable funding level. The COVID relief package provides $10 billion in emergency funding that states can use to make child care more affordable to parents, assist child care providers, and allow for targeted assistance for families of frontline essential workers. Head Start receives $250 million in COVID relief funds so programs can afford to carry out the safe practices required during the pandemic. Like much of the funding levels throughout this COVID relief bill, it is an important step, but not enough.
In regular FY21 appropriations, the Child Care and Development Block Grant rises to $5.91 billion, up $85 million from the previous year. Head Start is increased by $135 million, to $10.75 billion. Preschool Development Grants are funded at $116.8 million, up $3 million.