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A Week with Nuns on the Bus
October 25, 2018

Editor’s note: This post was written by Richelle Friedman, CHN’s Director of Public Policy. Richelle is currently spending a week with NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus. The full Nuns on the Bus tour includes 54 events in 21 states over the course of 27 days. Learn more about Nuns on the...

Resources from around the Coalition: Health care, tax cuts, affordable housing, and more
October 25, 2018

Editor’s note: The following piece was written by Makenna Whitworth, CHN’s Fall 2018 intern. MaKenna is a senior majoring in political science at Brigham Young University. Election Day is less than two weeks away, and while Senators and Representatives are home working to get their constituents out to vote, advocates from...

CHN condemns Trump Administration Memo which could lead to the curtailment of transgender rights, reverse progress
October 24, 2018

Editor’s note: Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, issued the following statement Wednesday in response to a leaked Trump Administration memo proposing a backward and discriminatory definition of gender. “The New York Times report that the Trump Administration may propose a definition of gender limited to...

Standing united with the human needs community
October 23, 2018

Periodically, CHN embarks on an ambitious endeavor – to get thousands of organizations across the human needs community and across the country to join together to advocate for a stronger America that actively ensures the well-being of all of our people. We call it our SAVE for All Campaign, which...

New study shows expanding Medicaid improves access to care for low-income adults
October 19, 2018

We know that states that expanded their Medicaid program have far fewer uninsured working-age adults. Now, thanks to a new study from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO), we know that such health insurance coverage is leading to better access to care. Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau in...

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