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Fact of the Week: Young Adults More Likely to Be Poor Now than in 1980
December 10, 2014

New data released by the Census Bureau last Thursday show that young adults age 18-34 are more likely to live in poverty now than they were in 1980. The Census Explorer’s Young Adults: Then and Now looks how this age group has changed in the last several decades in a...

CTJ Report: Extenders Bill is a Wasteful Corporate Giveaway
December 5, 2014

[Editor’s note: This post was originally published on the Tax Justice Blog, a project of Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy, on Dec. 4. For additional information on the tax extenders bill, see CHN’s recent post, “Congress Almost Serves Up a Turkey of a...

Head Smacker: House Extremists Waste Precious Time on Bill to Harm Millions of Immigrants
December 4, 2014

In his prime-time address announcing his executive action on immigration, President Obama challenged Congress – particularly those who oppose his action – to “pass a bill.” Today, the House took up that challenge. Unfortunately, they didn’t vote on the comprehensive immigration bill the Senate passed with strong bipartisan support well...

Fact of the Week: Cash Assistance Programs Help Children, Even into Adulthood
December 2, 2014

As I was getting ready for work one day last month, I heard a story on NPR that caught my attention. It caught the attention of my boss, Deborah Weinstein, too, and we talked about it shortly after we both arrived at work that morning. The story involved NPR’s Shankar...

Congress Almost Serves Up a Turkey of a Tax Bill…But President Obama Gives it the Bird
November 27, 2014

While many of us were getting ready for guests or to travel to family, reports surfaced that Senate Majority Leader Reid and some of his colleagues were working out a deal with House tax-writers to extend about $450 billion in tax cuts that would otherwise expire at the end of...

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