CHN’s latest Human Needs Report: Debt ceiling agreement, FY24 Approps, and House GOP tax bill
CHN just released another edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for a look at the recent debt ceiling and budget agreement, FY24 appropriations updates, and a House GOP proposal to cut taxes mainly for wealthier Americans .To download the PDF version, click here.
In This Issue:

With little time to spare to avert an economic crisis, Congress passed a bill to suspend the nation’s debt ceiling and set spending caps for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025. While the law and the “side deals” that accompanied it were an improvement over the bill the House passed earlier this spring, many harmful provisions remained that will harm human needs programs and people with low incomes. READ MORE »
Fiscal Year 2024 spending bills have begun moving through the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, but they are not without controversy. We’ve compiled information on spending allocations and highlights and lowlights from select bills on the move. READ MORE »
The House Ways and Means Committee passed along party lines a package of three bills in June that would mostly benefit the richest one percent of Americans and foreign investors, while doing little for Americans with low incomes. The package could continue to move in the House in July. READ MORE »