The Coalition on Human Needs: an alliance of national organizations working together to promote public policies which address the needs of low-income and other vulnerable people.

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Human needs advocates gather in U.S. Capitol to oppose House spending cuts 
July 26, 2024

Led by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-CT and Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee, advocates gathered earlier this week to warn of the effects of proposed cuts to human needs programs. The speakers, including advocates for human needs, education, the environment, labor and public health, among others, warned of both dangerous spending cuts and harmful and discriminatory policy riders sprinkled throughout all 12 fiscal year 2025 House spending bills.

Statement by CHN on the announcement that President Biden will not seek a second term 
July 22, 2024

President Biden and his Administration have achieved historic advances towards meeting our vital needs.  We applaud his accomplishments and thank him for his continued service to the nation.

It’s time for a child allowance, no strings attached
July 18, 2024

During the pandemic, the expanded Child Tax Credit was a lifeline for millions of families. However, I was one of the many who couldn’t benefit from it. Why? At 15, I gave my baby to family members. But because the adoption was never finalized, I actually ended up owing child support — and only found out after it had compounded. Because of that debt, I was unfairly denied the Child Tax Credit for the children I later had with my husband.

The unbearable sting and pain of Grants Pass
July 16, 2024

I loved the library as a child. The library was my safe place, especially in the summer, when schools were also closed. But sometimes, the libraries were closed. I could count on most libraries being closed on Sundays. Even when they were open, as a child, sometimes I wanted to play outside. Whenever I wanted to play outside, my mom would pile every single one of our earthly belongings into a shopping cart, and we would go to the park. We were always clean, but with our piles of bags, it was obvious we were homeless.

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